Thursday, November 1, 2007

Well Today we were wrapping things up and it was all looking pretty good. Anyway, It's nice to finnish up. We pretty much defaced everything by putting up posters and graphitti, and that was sure fun. We did not have to do any scary presentation so that was good.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Well this is sweet, serving drinks!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Pub interior

Well this is the interior, it's coming along nicely, and not far to go!


The facade needs a little more detail and a few more textures will be added also, over all it's looking ok. Our city is looking quite good!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Well I got my work cut out, it was just slow going today. But I'll take some decent photo's today that I can use as my textures.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


Well, looks like I need to make a 'go' of Young and Jackson's in the second life project,hope it comes out ok!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Lifts and Latrines.

Managed to get another student to install a door. Again the use of a button later will be more ideal than typing in the chat window for commands to open. Which is /door open..Will use textures from photos that I can take of the relevant things, like panels from those modern automated toilets.

The lift now works! next step will be to put an enclosure around it and, set call buttons, and floor buttons.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


So I managed to get an elevator working basically, it looks like we will be able to use it with some modifications.
It will have about 12 levels. To repeat a level type; autogen 1 -(50), though the script may need to be accesed to make sure there is the level heights which are at 10 metre intervals. Each time you add a shaft extension (autogen 1) it is a 10 metre high extension.

The command to go to a specific floor is goto floor 1, this you type in your chat bar. It was not quite working right as it needed to be reset, this you do by looking in the first person perspective and right clicking on the platform. Any way if it all works out right, considering too that you could not pass through the upper level as it was a primitive i think.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

The Alley that time forgot

Perhaps with all good things new you can take a lift like Bill and Ted around Melbourne to different eras or areas of town allocated time a time span either futuristic or out of the past!

Well It is interesting to be involved somehow with the place where you work or study, there are parts of our city that take on a timeless cultural style and though the style may change with the seasons, retrospectives will always have a place somewhere.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Research for second life project

Joel my class mate did this by altering the brush properties in photo shop, clearly this represents a tag that like or no is very common.
Image sourced from of a grafitti wall in Second life. You can have images or tags stored with a transparent background, and can be available for others also if you wish, by taking a copy, and adding to your inventory. Better would be to have the abillity to make your own image on the spot.

How to make tattoo with no pain

Using Photo Shop to edit existing pictures which the could be used as Png files and stuck on other media. Take the idea a step further and create your own art or tag.

Also the idea carries over to dare I say it graffiti.

Gratefully there is a site that has very many graffiti style fonts which are quite varied and very nice from an art or typography point of view. This site has a feature where you can write a word or name and i will be represented in all theses varied fonts.
So with that in mind why not make some slogans or phrases that could become a catch phrase that people can see and it will grow and spread. I could have a political stand point for or against things or even just something witty that people can identify with.

Contemporary is the way here so, something current will be good. In referance to Melbourne perhaps at this time or something relating to the stories we wrote for future Melbourne city.

Future Melbourne

The future of Melbourne city as interpreted for second life

The years of prosperity have left there marks as well as the hard times that have fallen most recently. As with all times progress has brought both glory and ruin, there is evidence of great technological advancements, but at the cost of the ordinary citizens.

Our city is one of the most advanced in the world but climate change and global warming have left its scars and the people are not trust worthy as a rule.

You can never quite meet anyone that has not been touched by some evil, therefore most people are cold and wary, so cold so absolute.

There are still the young and these are as always the hope as they carry the beauty and carefree spirit that we all once had. There are so many Chinese here, they are a lovely people of course though I wonder what has become of this land or where it can go from here, I hardly think this land ever truly identified itself before the world grew up all of a sudden.

I know that war is not the answer but it is always a risk that it could break out again on a massive scale, particularly when there is such a divide between the wealthy and the poor.

I suppose there is still something’s that can't change because it just is beyond help, though this city is due for a new era. I feel that there has been lost opportunities for this land to truly be great and has simply slid into mediocrity because of the Australian complacency mentality that has infected it for generations.

Oh well, maybe we will have a new empire soon in place of freedom, who will stop it? Most people are too self absorbed to notice any thing of true importance, or time of change in the wind so to speak.

True account of what happened in Melbourne during and after the third Great War.

Lives were changed out of both necessity and because when great turmoil comes to a place it leaves a trail of desperation and desolation. My account is quite unlike any told before as it is from a perspective, not a smooth historical account.

My part was small in the scale of things, though what I was involved in created some of the greatest impact for good in a time where everything was failing, the very foundations of the land were about to give up.

No one believed that we could get through the time of turmoil, though those that had the insight into other life, the unseen to mortal life. This is why history also fails us because it is written not by the wise or learned but by puppets that contain no evidence of individual thought.

I wonder if I had not experienced the desire early on to try and stand for what is right, as I said the complacency of the land had absorbed the minds of its people almost entirely.

I worked with a team of 'gifted people that had abilities beyond the normal, like knowing which way things should go, in all circumstances, the difference between error and right judgement.

To read into peoples spirits and see if that at all contained life, and by this finding people that were looking to change the world in their own way.

Why is it that our leaders always seem to fall into a predetermined path of destruction, democracy became a farce a long time ago and had little to offer as far as good leadership is concerned. Blind leading the blind perhaps or perhaps the leaders just had the ability to get the people to follow in step by lulling us all to sleep with their bullshit.

I helped rather in a small way though in accordance with my own abilities, I could wake people up, and return their life force. Everyone that I knew was somehow affected by the increasing change for the better; perhaps we should soon bulldoze the whole city and cleanse the land entirely of the past, and how it has sucked life out of it.

The Unfortunate side to all of our progress was the side that opposed us, the negativity that came against us from people who really are so ingrained that they cannot accept change. These people are dangerous and would go to great lengths to see there side of things triumphant.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hey endorsements please...Please?

T-shirts yeah

Second Life was really slow today so it was a bit frustrating to work on. We made personal T-shirts today which was kinda cool. And made also the start of a gun that I may edit later.

Friday, August 17, 2007

A good texture can be somewhat fudged, though on the cylinder I did actually use a machined metal texture, I can come back to this and use it if needed, perhaps scale it down a little first. We have also a rotation script in our inventory, it is just a matter of dragging that to the object and adjusting the rotation speed and direction.


If I were, to start this propeller again I would probably do it much quicker by just doing two blades I think because it will spin any way.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

My Hutt

A Transparency of 90, select black and no texture and you have windows! Yay.
There was some lag trouble and a need to re-boot, with any luck next time won't have that problem. So Today it is the whole idea of the position on axis, by punching the numbers in, an easier and quicker way.

Shortcuts: CTRL L = Link
CTRL SHIFT = unlink
SHIFT = copy
CTRL D = copy and move piece.

Next class we decide absolutely what we will do as a class, to build a big project, so far we have some sketchy ideas, so perhaps I'll give some thought to ideas also but we will decide as a class on one particular theme or city.

The VUT island

So I improved my Avatars outfit and here, I have created a primitive shape and applied my 'first life photo to it.
Here I am pointing at it, which is what happens when you are in 'create' mode.
It's kinda coll because i think you can sorta be a bit creative on how you represent yourself in second life, obviously some things are a bit exaggerated, like the muscle tone, I think i will join a gym now!

James aka CanYouDiggItBaby

This is a photo of me in the bathroom at Vut, It's easier to take a photo while looking in the mirror I discovered.
I want to convey coolness in the real life, My second life image is of course going to be trendy, though I will need to give the avatar a bit better clothing.

I am not as handsome as I feel that I am somehow, though impressions are conveyed by the personality and by self confidence to a degree.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

The exploration of second life

A demonstration in modelling a shape, in this a canoe with a simple wood texture appropriately scaled to match.
Australia well some part near Sydney Harbour , fascinating.
This was a nice area of Montserrat Beach village, some nice texturing and yacht meshes.
Plush Kappa ,this place was cheesy if not for some nice buildings I would have not bothered too long with it as it is mostly a shopping area.
I discovered that with some locations, genuine care is taken to have nice meshes. Unfortunately there is an overexposure of just stuff to purchase and I found that there is less emphasis in some cases, of how well some malls or shopping districts are constructed . This place was in Montserrat beach village.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Class 2 IST

In Class two of IST I built a structure with ramps, applied a building texture , linked the objects and it is now a complete inventory item. Others can take a copy if they wish. It's a handy function because you can duplicate something that you like as often as needed. I am sure that once the basics are down you could construct something half decent provided that you get also the appropriate textures for it. Cool.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

first blog

The Second Life world we looked at has much room to build, I think that once the user interface is familiar and just overcome the lagg it can be good. So I built on my avatar, we went to freebie warehouse, collected some random stuff and tried to get familiar with how to teleport to diferrent areas.